Sunday, March 29, 2009

What is Atelectasis- Get A brief Review

Atelectasis is the collapse of all or part of the lungs. This is caused by blockage of the airways (bronchi and bronchioles), or pressure in the lungs.

Trouble breathing
Chest pain
The goal of treatment is to remove pulmonary (lung) secretions and re-expand the affected lung tissue.

Following treatment of atelectasis:

Using an aerosol breathing treatments to open the airways.
The situation of the body in the direction of change to the lungs to expand again.
Remove any obstruction by bronchoscopy or another procedure.
Do deep breathing exercises (incentive spirometry).
Clap (percussion) on the breast to weaken mucus.
Tilt the body (postural drainage) so that the head is below the chest to drain mucus.
Treatment of the tumor or the state if they are present.
Risk factors for atelectasis include anesthesia, prolonged bed rest, with some changes in position, shallow breathing, and basic lung disease. MoCo which connects the airway, foreign objects (common in children), in the air and tumors that obstruct airway can cause atelectasis.

In an adult, small regions of atelectasis are usually not life threatening. Undamaged parts can easily compensate for the loss of function in the affected area. Large-scale atelectasis may be life-threatening, especially in those with other lung disease or illness. As a baby or small child, lung collapse due to obstruction or other causes can be life threatening MoCo.

Massive atelectasis may lead to the collapse of one lung.

Tests and diagnosis
X-ray chest
In the collapsed lung usually re-inflates gradually once the obstruction is removed. Nevertheless, some residual scarring or damage may occur.

Keep small objects out of reach of children.
Maintain deep breathing after anesthesia.
Encourage movement and deep breathing in anyone who is bedridden for long periods of time.
Pneumonia may develop rapidly after atelectasis.

To contact a doctor
Call your doctor if you develop symptoms of atelectasis

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