Saturday, September 12, 2009

How Do I Get Rid of Old Acne Scars-I have the Answer

Acne is a disease that is common in the people who are in teenage. Some teenagers only gets few pimple in the acne and they are lucky but some gets horrible acne scars on their face that makes their faces dull and ugly. These people always worries about that how to get rid of old acne scars.Below are some suggestions for those who are caught in acne scars.

Chemical Peels, Dermabrasion and Laser Treatments are some of the famous treatments that can help to reduce or remove acne scars from acne attacked face.Dermatologist doctors deal with the acne patient. Always bring your face photos before and after acne when you go for a dermatologist for the treatment of acne. Most of the dermatologist have the photos of their old acne patients in their clinics. This will help them to understand the complexity of disease and their proper treatment as well.

Here are some tips that will give the answer to the question that how do i get rid of old acne scars.

Chemical Peels

In this process a chemical is applied to the face skin that is infected by the acne and then that chemical peel is removed from the face that results the removal of acne from the face.After the removal of chemical peel, face skin become dry and read. Chemical Peels process is repeated again and again to remove the acne completely.


This process involve rubbing the acne infected skin with the rotating brush.This process is only effected in mild acne and is only applied to the top layer of skin.After this treatment face skins looks raw.

Laser Treatment

CO2 or Yag laser treatment is also very common for removing or reducing acne.In this treatment laser beams are penetrated inside the scars area of skin without removing the upper layer of skin and then treatment of acne is done with the help of these laser beams.

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